Beano Superstars – Plug
Meet Plug - one of the Bash Street Kids!

I’m Percival Proudfoot Plugsley, or Plug for short. You’ll find me in class 2B, probably messing around with my best friends Wilfrid and ‘Erbert. I’m easy to spot. It could be my beautiful face or if I’m looking out of a window, my backwards yellow cap.
I live with my mum and dad, Tiffany and Wayne, a French bulldog called Napoleon and a funny fish called Glug, in an amazing home on Gasworks Road. We’re a very beautiful family and our good looks tend to break mirrors for some reason. Let’s just say mirrors are always at the top of our shopping list.
Sometimes I worry that if I’m too good looking, it might make my friends feel self-conscious. I can’t help being jaw-droppingly handsome but I’d feel bad if it made anyone else feel a bit plain. If people look at me without eye protection, it can actually hurt their eyes, so I always carry a box of eye plasters. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so it’s worth carrying them!
I’ve also been told that I have a beautiful singing voice. I’ve been blessed in so many ways and I’d actually like to be a famous singer like Michael Buble one day!
My biggest fear is people not wanting to speak to me because I’m so good-looking. Often I notice people looking away, or even running away, screaming.
I’ve got lots of friends who go to Bash Street School and I think I’m quite laid back. I don’t have time for people who argue, fight or be mean. The world’s too beautiful for that kind of nonsense! We’re all beautiful, inside and out.
Plug Fact File
Name: Percival Proudfoot Plugsley
Age: 9
Best friends: Wilfrid and ‘Erbert
Worst enemy: The adoring girls who start to cry the minute they see him
Prized possession: His devastating good looks
Motto: ‘I’m too sexy for my shirt’
Super skill: He’s so good-looking he can smash a mirror by winking at it
Family: Mum and dad, who are just as beautiful as him
Address: 32 Gasworks Road
Fact: Plug is the best singer in Class 2B