What 'Almost-Forbidden' Spell Would Be Your Signature?
The pimple jinx? Confundus? Take this quiz and we'll you exactly which mischievous spell should become your special move!
There are all kinds of horrible curses, spells and jinxes in the Harry Potter universe - and some of them are even very illegal under Wizarding laws. But there are a few that aren't QUITE banned - even though they maybe should be! So which of these "almost-forbidden" spell should you try and master? Take this quiz and let's find out!

Pick a character:

Your signature move is a... what?

Choose a wand core:

Now choose a patronus:

How much trouble do you want to get in?

Which Hogwarts professor taught you your favourite spell?

Pick a magical animal:

What would you use your signature spell for?

Your spell is... what?

Which Harry Potter villain do you respect the most?

The Pimple Jinx!
Summoned by using the spell Furnunculus, the pimple jinx is a dark charm that causes the victim to suddenly break out in boils and spots! Ugh! This is pretty horrible jinx, but it isn't illegal! So looks like you just found your signature spell!

Polyjuice potion!
This hard-to-make and risky potion allows the drinker to look like someone else temporarily - which can be used for all kinds of trouble-making! It's a potion that Harry and friends use a lot, but it's dangerous and should probably be banned! But... it isn't! So is this your new signature potion? Sounds like it!

This sounds like a fun spell - even a prank! But actually confundus is a very powerful spell that could be used for all kinds of mischief. Someone skilled in the confundus charm could rob banks, trick people, even get away with not doing their homework! It should probably be banned by the Ministry of Magic but it isn't... so, is it your new favourite spell?

Slug-vomiting Charm!
This spell is gross and should definitely be illegal! The words Slugulus Eructo instantly cause the victim to start puking slugs - URGH! It might be the grossest spell out there, but thankully it's easily cured with a bit of treacle fudge. Phew. Rather a different signature move? Try this quiz again!