Cody Rhodes Quiz!
Cody Rhodes is one of WWE’s greats, but how well do you know them?
With some all-time legendary moves, and a personality to match them, Cody Rhodes is never one to hide away from a challenge. But if you think you're a super fan of his, or that you know his style back to front, then this is the quiz for you! So let’s get into it and see how you can do! Glory, and maybe a belt awaits!

Where is Cody from?

Cody’s last name, ‘Rhodes’ is also the name of an island, but in what sea?

What is Cody’s signature move?

What is his real name?

He comes from a family of wrestlers, but who was his Dad?

When did Cody Rhodes make his debut?

When he first made his debut, he and his dad got in a fight backstage with which famous wrestler!?

What nickname did Rhodes try to give himself?

What wrestler is Cody’s half brother?

What is the name of Cody’s dog?

Oh dear! It looks like you’ve been pinned without even knowing what was happening here! You’re outta here! But look, don’t worry too much, Cody is up there at the top of his game and there aren’t many wrestlers that could put a flame to him so at least you had a try! But why not have another go and see if you can score better? We’ll wait, we believe in you!

Alright! Now we’re getting somewhere! You’ve clearly got a pretty good idea of how much of top class contender Cody Rhodes is and you’ve got a fair amount of knowledge to back it up! But heck, there is always space to get better when it comes to these quizzes, so why not have another try and see if you can score higher?! There are always belts to defend, and wrestlers to take down a peg or two!

Awesome! There’s not much you don’t know about Cody and you're not afraid to tear down in the ring! Well done! But hey, if you think you’ve got what it takes to beat this quiz, why not have another go at it!? Glory awaits you, there were only a few questions that you missed out on, so let’s get back up and get back through those ropes!

Pow! There it is! With knowledge like yours, there can only be one winner, and this time it’s not even Cody! It’s YOU! You’ve beaten the lot with your brain alone! What an absolute result! They said wrestling was all about the power, but you've proven that with the right head on your shoulders, anything is possible! Breathe in the glory!