Back to the Future Lyrics Quiz!
Hop into the DeLorean and set your watches - it's time to see how well you know the lyrics of Back to the Future: The Musical!
If Back to the Future is your favourite film EVER, you probably already know the musical inside out, even if you haven't caught it on stage yet! And if you've had the soundtrack on repeat, this quiz will be easy peasy! See how high you can score - we believe in you! Check out the rest of the sire for more musical madness - why not find out which musical you should watch, or see how well you know Wicked?

What's the first lyric in the musical?

Finish the lyric: "They'll define you, unless have a dream, you gotta takе time to..."

Which song is this lyric from: "My father doesn't have a spine, he grovels, scrapes, and toes the line"

Complete the lyric: "In terms of the vernacular, it's..."

And now finish these lyrics: "Business is booming, ______ are blooming"

Who sings this: "What are you waitin' for? Pick yourself up from the floor! If you don't respect yourself, you won't get it from no one else!"

Complete this lyric: "My myopia is my..."

Who sings this: "Pretty baby, got this funny feelin', pretty baby, I might need some healin'"?

Name this song: "No more hunger, no more pain; They're things of the past, peace and love is all we'll ever know..."

Who sang this song originally: "The power of love is a curious thing, make-a one man weep, make another man sing"?

Oops - maybe you'll want to hope in your time machine and redo the quiz!

Not bad - you know the musical quite well! We know you can do better though - why not try again and see if you can bring your score up?

Very good! You know the musical very well - you're close to being a complete expert! Well done!

A perfect score - well done! Did you get a time machine to make sure your score was perfect the first time around??