What Type of Quill Would You Use in the Classroom?
It's time to go to Hogwarts! Class is in session - but what are you using to write with? Take the quiz and find out!
It's hard keeping up in class sometimes - but luckily, the perfect writing implement can help things along! Do you value function over appearance, or would you like a writing tool that does it all for you? Take the quiz and find out! And don't forget, we've got lots more Harry Potter quizzes waiting for you - why not find out how Slytherin you are, or which Harry Potter film you should watch?

Which wizarding career would you love?

Pick a shop in Diagon Alley!

What colour robes would you most like to wear?

What would you most like to do if you were at Hogwarts for one day?

What kind of wood do you think your wand would be made of?

Choose an animal to have as a pet!

Pick a magical way to travel!

Which subject is your best at Hogwarts?

Choose a magical creature!

What would be the worst thing about Hogwarts?

Quick Quotes quill!
You’d use a Quick Quotes quill! These are especially helpful for writers and journalists, two careers you’re interested in – though hopefully you’re a lot nicer than Rita Skeeter!

Peacock feather!
You love to be fashionable, so a peacock feather quill like the one Gilderoy Lockhart owns would be just perfect! It might be difficult fitting it in your pocket, though!

Sugar quill!
You’d use a sugar quill from Honeydukes! These delicious treats are perfect for a sneaky snack in class, which is right up your alley!

Auto Answer quill!
Hey, you’re a busy person, so studying isn’t always your top priority. An Auto Answer quill will fill in your schoolwork for you – fair warning though, they’re banned in exams, so you’ll have to be really sneaky about it!