Which Transformers One Character Are You?
It’s time to find out where your allegiances lie!
At your heart are you an Autobot, or maybe deep down you’re actually a Decepticon! Why not take this especially designed quiz and see which of the amazing characters in Transformers One you’ve got the most in common with! Let’s get into it, and hope you're not secretly a world-eating villain!

What is your favourite colour?

What job would you most like on Cybertron?

A workerbot is injured, what do you do?

Where would you most like to go on holiday?

A Robo-Gazelle looks thirsty, what do you do?

A spaceship is leaving Cybertron for a new world, what do you do?

The Decepticons have taken your pet rabbit hostage, what do you do?

Which planet would be best for the Transformers to take over?

An asteroid is heading toward Cybertron, what do you do about it?

What time do you usually wake up?

Orion Pax!
Awesome! You’re Orion Pax, or Optimus Prime as you’ll soon be known! What a result! It must be because you always believe in doing the right thing, even when it seems like all hope is lost. That’s a really good thing, and an excellent result for this quiz, so you should be very very pleased with yourself! Why not check out some of the other Transformers content we’ve got and see what you think of that too?

Amazing! You’ve got the most in common with B-127, or Bumblebee as you might know them more as! Bumblebee is one of the funniest characters in the whole film, because even though they’ve got the strength to fight off nearly any enemy, they’re also a bit of a clumsy creature - but what's not to love about that! A bit like B-127, you might occasionally fall over, or walk into doors, but that’s probably why everyone likes you!

Elita-1 is probably the most sensible of all the characters in Transformers One. While all of them are pretty young, and a bit reckless, it’s Elita that really holds them together and makes sure that they’re doing the right thing. Optimus might be the leader, but without Elita he’s just another Autobot! You’re a bit like that too, some people might call you cautious, but if you fail to plan, you plan to fail, right?

Otherwise known as Megatron, it looks like you’ve got the most in common with the film’s villain! Oh dear! But remember, Megatron wasn’t always evil, so maybe when someone asks you which result you got, you can say D-16 at the start of the film! He’s a great friend, and until the very end, would have done anything for his friends, does that sound familiar? Just be careful not to try and take over the universe, how about that?