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What Should I Bake Quiz?

Don't know what crispy treat you should be baking? Then lets take this quiz and find out - it's a piece of cake!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated September 29th 2024

Cakes, pies, quiches, slices, turnovers, pasties, muffins, croissants - there are so many things you could bake! There's light and fluffy, heavy and thick, airy sponges and of course - soggy bottoms! But what should you cook? Take this quiz and find out if you're a traditional baker or maybe some kind of modern crust artist!

Let's get quizzing, chef!


Do you have a sweet tooth?


Pick one:


What's your favourite time of year?


Would you call yourself traditional?


Pick a baking accessory:


What's your favourite?


Do you stick to recipes?


Baking stuff is... what?


What do you think of rules?


You like baking because... what?

You should bake a fruit pie!

You should bake an old fashioned, hot and steamy, sweet and sticky fruit pie! Put whatever you like in it - apples, blueberries, cherries, maybe all of them! Make sure you let it cool properly before you dig in though - fruit pies can be HOT inside! Not what you're in the mood for? No problem - let's bake something else! Take this quiz again for a different suggestion!

You should bake a savoury pie!

You like pies - but you're nota big fan of sweet stuff! You like a pie that you can have for dinner, not just for pudding! Leek and potato, chicken and mushroom, cheese - the possibilities are endless! Have we got this one wrong? No worries - just try this quiz again and we'll point you towards some other kind of baked thing!

You should bake a cake!

You love a traditional, fluffy cake! It could be a sponge, a chocolate cake, a fruit cake - but it's got to be made with love! You could use a traditional recipe or even exp[eriment with something new - this is a great idea if you have a birthday or special event coming up! Bored of cake? Yikes ok - well let's try this quiz again then!

You should bake an eel turnover!

You are a maverick - a lone chef that's not afraid to stiuck the entire rule book in the oven! You want to bake something nobodyt has ever made before - a fusion of tastes and alien textures that have never been baked before. This is a risky choice, because whilst it could end up delicious... it also might not. Good luck, brave bakery explorer! If yo'd rather try something a bit more normal just have another go at this quiz!