Fortnite: Barber Tycoon Quiz
Get ready to test yourself on all things Barber Tycoon with this trivia quiz! Answer some questions and see if your this game's best player of all time!
Have you got what it takes to be Fortnite's best barber? Of course you do! That's why you're doing this quiz all about Fortnite: Barber Tycoon! Answer some questions about this fun game and see how well you do! Love Fortnite? We've got loads more quizzes right here! How about this Fortnite Festival Mode quiz? Or maybe you like the look of this throwback Fortnite 2022 quiz? And we KNOW you'll ace this Fortnite building quiz!

Who do you play in this game?

True or false: you can earn tips in this game?

How many potential styles can you unlock?

True or false: you can get pets in the game?

How do you unlock new areas?

How much is a barber chair?

How many hairstyle options do you start with?

How much is a basic haircut?

What can you do for extra money from Mr Tycoon?

Finally; how many pairs of golden scissors are there to find?

Oh nooo! Someone take the scissors off you, quick! You got 0 out of 10! But don't worry - there's always a chance to have another go!

Good try! Not bad - but not perfect! We know you know more about Barber Tycoon than this - have another go!

Great work! You must love this game cos you did really well! But are you ready to get 100% next time? Let's go!

Wow! You win a giant pair of golden scissors or some fancy clippers, because you got 100% on this Fortnite: Barber Tycoon quiz! Congrats!