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Ultimate Roblox: Clip It Quiz!

If Clip It is your favourite Roblox game, you won't want to miss this tricky trivia quiz!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Imagine if you mixed TikTok with Roblox - you'd get Clip It! This app is perfect for aspiring movie makers and really encourages you to let your creativity fly free - and if you're hooked on it, this quiz will be a breeze! Don't forget to try some of our other Roblox quizzes, too - why not see how well you know Watermelon Go, or Barbie DreamHouse Tycoon!

Roblox | Roblox Corp

What is the aim of Clip It?


How do you create clips?


And how do you stop recording?


True or false - you can create outfits in Clip It!

Roblox | Roblox Corp

What's the default environment called?

Roblox | Roblox Corp

How many animations are there?


How do you watch clips made by other players?


Which popular app does Clip It most resemble?

Roblox | Roblox Corp

Which group made Clip It?


Which of these isn't a location?

Roblox | Roblox Corp

Oops - looks like you need to learn a few things about this Roblox game! Don't worry, you can always come back and have another go!

Roblox | Roblox Corp

Not bad at all - you know a few things about the game! Well done! Why not have another go later - you never know, you might bring your score up!

Roblox | Roblox Corp

Very good - you know a lot about Clip It, and you're probably one of its biggest fans! Well done! We just know you can get a perfect score though - why not try once more and see?

Roblox | Roblox Corp

Wow, a perfect score - AMAZING! No one knows Clip It better than you, well done!