The Ultimate Plants Trivia Quiz
Find out how much you really know about plants with this unbeleafable nature quiz!
Plants for food, plants for medicine - plants just because plants look nice! Test your plants trivia skills with these plants quiz questions!

What are peanuts?

85% of plant life is found...where?Hint - it might not be where you expect!

Where do plants get their food from?

Strawberries, peaches, apples and apricots are in the same family of plants as roses. True or false?

How long can oak trees live for?

80% of the Earth's original forests have been destroyed. True or false?

@neonpandamx | giphy
The fastest growing plant in the world is a type of bamboo that's so fast you could literally watch it get bigger. This bamboo grows 91cm in....how long?

Plants spread their seeds in lots of different ways. But which of these have we just made up?

Which of these is NOT a real plant?

Mushrooms are plants. True or false?

Moss is a plant.

@foodnetworkca | giphy
What is chocolate made from?

Where are almost all cacti from originally?

Humans use 70,000 plants for medicine, but only 30 for pretty much all of our food. True or false?

EXTRA TRICKY FINAL QUESTION!What kind of plant has leaves like this? Hint - it's also a woman's name.

EEK! Oh no. This snake plant doesn't seem that happy about this score!

Not too bad! This snake plant has seen better though - try another quiz?

Good job! This snake plant is pretty impessed! Can you beat this score on another quiz?

Amazing! This snake plant can't believe her eyes! HIIIIGH SCOOOOOOORE!