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Summer Solstice Quiz For Bright Sparks!

How much do you know about what happens at summer solstice? It's time to find out for sure with this summer solstice quiz! Can you get all the questions right?

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Every year on a certain date the sun does some magical things and people all over the world celebrate. But how much do you really know about the Summer Solstice and its history? It's time to find out with this trivia quiz! Can you get 10/10? And if you like this, why not try this ultimate science and nature quiz! Or maybe you're up for an ultimate planets quiz! Or how about testing yourself with this big cat quiz? And for something a bit more explosive, we've even got this volcano quiz!

1/10 Sun worshippers and yellow splats

What day of the year is the Summer Solstice?

2/10 Farting unicorn jumping over setting sun

How many times a year does it happen?

3/10 Sun with goofy face in someone's palms

What is the Summer Solstice?

4/10 Some candles a moon and a sun in a mossy wood and a Beano unicorn

Which religion is generally associated with the solstice?

5/10 Stonehenge with Beano animals

Which of these UK sites is a place you can celebrate the Solstice?

6/10 Goofy grinning sun in space

What does the word solstice actually mean?

7/10 Screaming pineapple on top of Aztec temple

In which ancient culture did Summer Solstice signify the new year?

8/10 Goofy earth

What date will the Summer Solstice be in 2024?

9/10 Sun and earth smiling at each other

Where is the Earth during the Summer Solstice?

10/10 Arrow pointing to Roman god statue

The Romans celebrated one of their gods at Summer Solstice, but which one?

Uh oh, bad luck! Maybe you're a moon expert, because you didn't get any questions right! Try again!

Uh oh, bad luck! Maybe you're a moon expert, because you didn't get any questions right! Try again!

Not bad, but we know that inside you lurks a real summer solstice expert! Have another go!

Not bad, but we know that inside you lurks a real summer solstice expert! Have another go!

Well done! We can tell you're a real bright spark! But how about trying to get 100% next time - we know you can!

Well done! We can tell you're a real bright spark! But how about trying to get 100% next time - we know you can!

Incredible! You're knowledge of the summer solstice is truly dazzling, well done!

Incredible! You're knowledge of the summer solstice is truly dazzling, well done!