20 Gen Z Jokes For A Bit of Zoomer Humour!
Younger than a millennial? Older than Gen Alpha? However old you are you'll definitely laugh at these 20 great Gen Z jokes! (Unless you're a boomer lol)
Sense of humour is one of those things that changes over time - you know, like literally everything else. Some things the older generation are just not going to get, and these 20 Gen Z jokes might be one them! So if you're up for some gen z lols you're in the right place! For more funny stuff for all ages check out these dad jokes, these Youtube jokes, and even these high-tech computer jokes!
Hoooo eee!
What do you call a Gen Z-er acting like they grew up in the 70's?
A hippiecrite!

I'm getting a little tired of Gen Z-er's attitudes
Always walking around like they rent the place!

What did the Gen Z baker yell when he tossed the dough?

Gen Z should change their name to...

Why would Gen z make bad astronauts?
In space no one can hear you meme!

What'd the Gen Z-er say to the spice shop owner with the massive spice plants?
I'm here for a good thyme not a long thyme!

Gen Z’s dream about owning a house
Too bad it's surreal estate!

My favourite question on the job interview with a Gen Z-er is:
What do you want to do after the burnout?

How do you weigh Gen Z-ers?
In Instagrams!

Why don't Gen Z barbers ever get sideburns right?
They literally can't even!

What kind of ghost hates Gen Z-ers?

A boomer, a millennial and a zoomer walk into a bar
That's right - Gen X just got ignored again!

What is a Gen Z-ers favourite spaceship?
A millennial falcon!

What do you call a Gen Zer on a scooter?
A zoomer!

How does a Gen Z-er tell a joke?
Idk lol

What do Gen Z-ers say when a baby boomer calls?
A boomerang!

What is a Gen Z rapper’s favourite Transformer?

What did the Gen Z-er say after they successfully started the campfire?
That's lit!

Why are Gen Z-ers so odd?
Cause they can’t even!

What does a Gen Z cowboy say?
Yeet Haw!

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