Beano Superstars: Darren Makepeace
Meet Minnie’s dad – and Beanotown’s biggest Harry Potter fan!

I’m Darren, but you’ll probably know me better as Minnie’s dad! If you love Harry Potter as much as I do, then you’ll know that Minnie’s real name is Hermione. Not that it matters, as she’ll only respond to the name Minnie.
Imagine if she was called Dobby instead? Dobby the Minx doesn’t sound as good, I suppose.
My wife Vicky and I are the proud parents of six children. All of Minnie’s brothers – Michael, Martin, Mark, Morris and Max – have all grown up and left home, so it’s just the three of us at home. Well, four, if you count our pet cat Chester!
I often wish that Minnie would stop causing so much mischief and be more, I don’t know, less minx-y. I’m always fixing stuff around the house because of that peashooter and catapult. She never seems to leave home without them – apart from when she goes to school. I’d like to say that she leaves them in her room, but she probably hides them in her bag for any mischief emergencies!
When I’m not dealing with complaints from our neighbours on Gasworks Road, or paying for repairs that I can’t do myself, I like to put my feet up with a cup of tea and read my magazine, Dad Monthly. Don’t look for it on the Beano shop, though. I get it when I visit the local newsagents which I love doing, because I get a few minutes’ peace. Absolute bliss!
Darren Makepeace Fact File
Name: Darren Makepeace
Best friend:
Worst enemy:
Prized possessions: His first-edition Harry Potter novels and his ‘Best Dad in the World’ mug, which miraculously remains unbroken!
Motto: ‘What has Minnie done now?’
Super skill: Fixing broken household items for next to nothing (it’s a skill he’s learned over the years)
Family: His wife Vicky, his sons Michael, Martin, Mark, Morris and Max, his daughter Minnie, and Chester the Cat
Address: 54 Gasworks Road
Fact: Darren has subscribed to his favourite magazine, Dad Monthly, ever since Minnie was born!