Food and drink jokes

20 Soy-tisfying Tofu Jokes!

20 Burnt Food Jokes

Weekend Jokes

20 Pretzel Jokes You Are Knot Ready For

Popcorn Jokes

Oat Milk Jokes

20 Superbly Scrumptious Smoothie Jokes!

20 Oat Jokes That Are Far From Grueling

Blueberry Jokes

20 Au-some Aubergine Jokes!

20 Kale Jokes

20 Batter-ly Brilliant Brownie Jokes!

20 Raisin Jokes

Want to Hear a Joke About Vegetables at a Party?

Want a Joke about a Raisin?

20 Punny Pomegranate Jokes!

20 Butcher Jokes With High Steaks!

Dinner Jokes!

What's small and snoops around bakeries at Christmas time?

20 Amazing Olive Jokes & Puns!

20 Gluten Free Jokes That Go Against the Grain!

20 Leek Jokes That Will Peas You!