Make A Catapult-Powered Paper Plane in 10 Minutes!
Turbo-charge your paper planes with this neat hack from Billy Whizz!
For this epic make, you’ll need an elastic band, some paper, a hole punch and a pencil. Some colouring pens would be handy too!

Step 1
Make a paper plane and decorate it if you want. Billy Whizz loves lightning bolts so he drew those on his plane!
Step 2
Use the hole punch to make a hole in the body of the plane. Pass one end of the elastic band through the hole then back through the loop on the other side.
Step 3
Hook a pencil through the open end of the elastic band and pull the plane back
Step 4
When you let the plane go, it will launch itself at the sky – at Whizz-speed (well, almost)!