15 Fantastic Facts About The Blam Fam!
Here’s everything you need to know about Beanotown’s coolest gang of pals!
Dennis, Gnasher, JJ, Rubi, Pie Face and his pet potato (named Paul) are a group of friends in Beanotown known collectively as the Blam Fam! They get up to all kinds of adventures (and some scrapes, admittedly) and after school, they get together play the loudest rock music known to humanity as Dennis and the Dinmakers! How much do you know about this lot? Here’s a collection of awesome facts that may have escaped your attention!
1. JJ is a martial arts student!

Jenny Jones – that’s her full name – practices Blamjitsu, which is Beanotown’s very own kind of martial art. It takes a lot of practice but is very fun to do. Anyone can do it but you must be careful!
2. Pie Face has kept the crust from his first ever pie!

With a surname like Shepherd, it’s no wonder that Peter is a fan of all things pie: savoury pies, fruit pies, custard pies, cottage pies. He loved his first pie so much that he kept the crust as a memento. He often takes it out of its special box, looks at it but resists the urge to have a little nibble.
3. Paul the Potato is a King Edward!

Paul can hide in among a box of ordinary King Edward potatoes. You’d never guess which one he is. He’s the master of disguise, but only Pieface has the ability to spot him. It’s probably his sprout of hair that makes him stand out.
4. Rubi’s name is Latin!

Rubi is short for Rubidium. It’s from the Latin rubidus, which is connected to the word rubeo, which means to glow red!
5. Dennis once took an empty dog collar for a walk

Dennis doesn’t get embarrassed by much but once accidentally lost Gnasher on a walk. “I walked him right round Beanotown, but when I got home, I realised he’d slipped off the lead before we’d even left the garden – and I’d taken an empty dog lead for a walk! I don’t blame Gnasher at all.” We bet people wondered what Dennis was doing!
6. In Germany, Gnasher has a different name!

In the German version of Dennis & Gnasher: Unleashed!, Gnasher is known as Fletscher! And their band are called ‘Dennis und die Ruhestörer’, which means Dennis and the Disturbers of the Peace!
7. Rubi has lots of ambitions

Rubi would love to be an astronaut when she’s older. Or a research scientist. Or an inventor. And when she’s done that, she also wants to be a pop star. She plays keyboards for Dennis and the Dinmakers and once made her very own synthesiser!
8. Pie Face invented his very own kind of pie!

Peter loves pies so much that he invented his very own kind of pie. The Pie Pie, as it’s known, is a pie with a pie filling. It’s perfect for anyone who loves pies. He’s even talked about starting his very own pie fan club.
9. JJ’s bike is a custom-built BMX!

If you’re ever in Beanotown, the chances are you’ll spot JJ zipping around on her bike. It was hand-built by one of her brothers – she has four older brothers in total – and when she’s not doing Blamjitsu, she’s often see her practicing her jumps on the ramps at the park. She wears a helmet normally, because safety is very important even though she’s fearless!
10. Rubi once had a mishap in her dad’s lab!

Rubi has always had a love of science, which isn’t surprising considering her dad is Professor von Screwtop. When she was little, she accidentally blew her dad’s lab up after not following her chemistry set’s instructions properly. “I just mixed Explodium with Kabloomogen and blew the place up,” she says. “They aren’t real chemical names, by the way. In case you were wondering. But that’s what they should be called!”
11. Pie Face is a pie expert!

We know that Pie Face loves pies, but his love of the savoury or sweet snack goes far beyond culinary enjoyment. Even though most pies are mysterious, in that their fillings are a secret until you bite into them, he can tell you exactly what kind they are just by studying the crust and colour of the pastry. It’s very impressive, especially when there’s a table heaving with delicious pies.
12. Dennis is a Pisces

Dennis was born on March 17 which coincides with the date of the first issue he appeared in (a long time ago). He’s a Pisces which is part of the reason he’s pals with Pie Face (who misheard him and thought he was talking about pies).
13. Gnasher is a distant relative of a dinosaur!

The Gnashersaurus can be found on Duck Island and should never be approached. They look more or less like our four-legged pal, but much bigger and have pointier teeth! They’re similar to Gnasher in that they both love sausages.
14. JJ has a routine for when she can’t sleep!

We’ve all found it tricky to go to sleep immediately, but JJ has a method to getting some rest. She loves to play the drums and then does press-ups and sit-ups until she’s exhausted! We’re bet the drumming doesn’t go down to well in the Jones household, though! She’s got bags of energy!
15. Dennis has his catapult on him at all times!

He never leaves home without his catapult. It’s always in his pocket and he tries very hard not to use it once he’s passed the gates of Bash Street School. If it was confiscated, he wouldn’t know what to do. He once hit a can from 50 metres and believes it to be some sort of Beanotown record.