20 Blamtastic Dennis Menace Facts!
Here's some awesome trivia nuggets about Beanotown's number 1 prankster, skateboarder and all-round legend, Dennis!
Dennis can usually be found whizzing around the streets of Beanotown on his skateboard, with his faithful pal Gnasher by his side. We know you love Dennis and facts, so we've combined the two to bring you 20 amazing facts about Beanotown's most famous resident! Get ready to fill your brain with Dennis trivia!
1. Dennis wasn't in the first issue of Beano!

The first Beano was released in the July, 1938. Beanotown's most mischievous kid wouldn't make an appearance for another 13 years!
2. He first appeared in issue 452 on March 17, 1951!

There he is! Well not on the front cover, but he had his own comic strip on the day of his birthday, no less! What a coincidence!
3. He broke the rules from his first appearance!

From the very first issue, drawn by David Law, it was clear that Dennis wasn't going to be boring! The sign clear states that nobody is allowed on that patch of grass. A true rebel since day one!
4. When he was born, he bit the doctor's finger!

Legend has it that when Dennis was born, he chomped on a doctor's finger. Remember, if you can't speak because you're a baby, there are other ways to introduce yourself. Like a firm handshake or a letter. Easy, right?
5. Dennis hasn't always worn a red and black jumper!

It's weird seeing Dennis in a shirt and tie, isn't it? Don't worry. He quickly started wearing his iconic red and black striped jumper and basically never stopped wearing them, save for one issue in the 1990s!
6. He appeared on the cover of a Beano annual in 1954!

Beanotown's most mischievous kid appeared on the cover of the 1954 edition of the annual, which included comics strips featuring Lord Snooty, Kat and Kanary, Red Rory of the Eagles and Biffo the Bear!
7. His name was inspired by a song!

Beano's first ever editor was called George Moonie. He named Dennis after being inspired by a song which went, 'I'm Dennis the Menace from Venice'. He dropped the 'I'm' and 'from Venice' and boom, history was made!
8. There's a different Dennis the Menace in America!

By some weird coincidence an American author called Hank Ketchum published a comic called Dennis the Menace on the exact same day in 1951 that Dennis appeared in Beano!
9. The Dennis the Menace fan club had over 1 million members!

That's right! Over 1 million people have signed up to be part of the best fan club ever! If you want to join, ask your grown-ups to visit Beano shop to find out more. Fan club members receive two awesome badges featuring Dennis himself, plus a very hairy Gnasher, a welcome letter from Dennis and Gnasher themselves, all wrapped up in an official Fan Club wallet!
10. He once wore a blue tracksuit!

Dennis always wears his iconic red and black jumper, black shorts and trainers. In 1991, Dennis was pictured wearing a blue tracksuit and it made the headlines in newspapers! People couldn't handle it and cups of tea were no doubt spilled in kitchens up and down the UK! His sporty new look lasted for one issue as it was just a bit of fun!
11. Dennis is not a fan of Brussels sprouts!

He can't stand them, probably because they're total guff fuel. He's not a picky eater though and is happy with "whatever's at the front of the cupboard".
12. Dennis became a big brother in 1998!

Dennis has a little sister called Bea – short for Beatrice – and he is her absolute hero. Her most prized possession is one of his old catapults, that is kept well out of reach. When it comes to bedtimes, Bea always asks Dennis to read her a bedtime story. It might be a way to get out of doing any evening chores, but who knows!
13. He lives at 51 Gasworks Road in Beanotown!

Don't worry, Dennis hasn't grown to staggering proportions! It's just an illustration. The Menaces live on Gasworks Road, just behind his left sock. Can you spot their house?
14. His hero is Grizzly Griller!

Dennis is a total fan when it comes to Beanotown TV star survival expert and wildlife wrangler, Grizzly Griller. He's watched all his shows, including The World's Most Incredibly Dangerous Supermarkets, Grizzly Griller Stays Out Till After Nine and Grizzly Griller Versus Slightly Grumpy Animals. Dennis says each show is equally "blam". Grizzly is afraid of nothing, apart from hamsters.
15. He was nicknamed 'the world's wildest boy!'

He earned the title from a very young age but he just loves to get up to all sorts of adventures. There's absolutely no time to be bored when you're Dennis and his friends.
16. Dennis' pet pig Rasher was introduced to readers in 1979

Rasher is Dennis' pet pig. She’s always on the look out for a snack and generally loves life. Rasher is a totally blam pet – in fact, a pig is a totally ham pet! She is the proud owner of a turnip collection and doesn't like Butch Butcher.
17. He counts a Star Wars legend as a fan!

In 1979, Mark Hamill was filming the second Star Wars film – The Empire Strikes Back – and phoned Beano's offices to speak with the editor at the time. He asked to join the fan club and the editor – who apparently hadn't seen the movie – told ACTUAL LUKE SKYWALKER to send a 30p postal order!
18. The first three cartoonists were all called David!

They were David Law, David Sutherland and David Parkins. Can you guess the name of the artist who draws Dennis every week? Yes, that's right! Nigel Parkinson!
19. He's had loads of pets!

Apart from Gnasher and Rasher, he's also had a pet fish named Splasher and his pet spider is called Dasher! If like Dennis, you love spiders and facts, then check out our amazing facts about spiders!
20. Dennis once appeared on a set of stamps!

In 2021, the Royal Mail released a series of stamps to celebrate 70 years of Dennis! There were six collectable stamps in total and each depicted a classic Dennis and Gnasher moment throughout the pages of Beano.