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Reasons to be Cheerful!

Bored of bad news? Find out why you should be chipper instead!

1. Some Penguins Had a Field Trip!

Now that most zoos are empty of humans, an aquarium in Chicago has let it's animals visit the human parts of the building for once. The sea lions left their enclosure for a game of football, and the penguins got to go for a walk - they even visited the Amazon Rainforest display! 

2. Air Pollution has Dropped

There aren't many good things about the Coronavirus. But everyone staying at home means there are less cars and factories chucking out fumes, and that means cleaner air! So at least we have that. Aaaah.

3. Pugs

That's it. Pugs.

4. Hungry Hippos in an Old Folks Home

These pensioners got bored of playing normal Hungry Hippos... so did a life size version instead! Much better!

Bryn Celyn Care Home

5. It's a Mooo-racle!

This cow was swept 4 MILES out to sea by a hurricane, but amazingly managed to swim back to land! Not only that, but she was pregnant and now has a healthy baby calf as well. Awww!

6. This Might Be Good Practise...

Everyone fighting over shopping is great practise for all the new sports we're all going to play once the lockdown is over. Just imagine how good we'll be at things like bog roll wrestling and pasta football!

7. The Dog That Was Just TOO Happy

A dog from Essex was so happy that he hurt his tail from wagging it too much. But don't worry! He's been to the vet and will make a full recovery. Phew.

8. Farting is Still Funny!

According to the latest made-up scientific study, no matter how bad the world gets farts are still very funny. And you can't argue with science.

Vampire Chair

Trick or Treat?

Choose wisely...