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The Ultimate Sophia Smith Quiz

How much do you know about this USA soccer star? Test your trivia with this footie-tastic quiz!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  November 13th 2023

Sophia Smith is a rising star and plays for the USA women's national team. She's definitely a legend in the making. But how much do you know about this lightning-paced striker? Test your knowledge and see if you're a soccer trivia genius!

Once you've completed this, why not have a go at our Ultimate Women's Football Quiz or see how much you know about Megan Rapinoe?

1/10 Baby blocks

What is Sophia's middle name?

2/10 A man with a bunch of balloons with a kitten about to ruin the lot

When's her birthday? Clue: it's every year!

3/10 A bear next to a map of the USA

In which state was she born?

4/10 A football hitting the crossbar

What's the name of the first professional team she played for?

5/10 United States women's national soccer team badge

She earned her first international cap in 2020, but against which team?

6/10 Sophia Smith height in comics

How tall is Sophia?

7/10 Football tactics board

What position does she normally play?

8/10 Football boots in a nursery

In which year was she born?

9/10 A goal hitting the back of the net

Against which team did she score her first professional hat-trick?

10/10 A basketball going through a hoop

Sophia played basketball for her university team. True or false?

Result: Oh no

Oh no! You didn't put in the performance you hoped for, did you? Why not take a moment, drink some water and get back out on the pitch. You've got this.

Result: Nice try

Nice try, but not enough to score the winning goal. Not the result you hoped for? Why not have another go? We believe in you.

Result: Great work

Great work! You know loads about Sophia Smith! You could either try again and attempt to get a bigger score or try another one of our soccer quizzes on

Result: Wow

Wow! You've won Player of the Match for this performance. Superb trivia skills!