Can You Match the Pet To the Celebrity Owner?
How well do you know your famous pets? Take this awesome quiz and find out!
Are you ready?

shantiombb | Instagram
This is Shanti Om Bb. Who is its famous owner?

officialnuggetperry | Instagram
Nugget is a big ball of fluff – but who do they live with?

taylorpixel | Instagram
Olivia Benson likes resting her head on shoes. But who's the celebrity pet lover?

teddysphotos | Instagram
Dorito clearly enjoys lying around and being a ginger cutie. Who feeds them in the morning?

butteraa_ | Instagram
Who gets to hang out with Toulouse?

finnsite | Instagram
Finn enjoys a cool lifestyle. Which actor takes them for walks when they're not boarding aeroplanes?

Who'll be clearing up after Hobbs' cushion rampage?

Who is cuddling Penny?

Koji looks ready for a nap. Who's the celebrity pet owner?

littlemixoffical | Instagram
Could Macy Grey be any cuter? Which member of Little Mix do they belong to?

ladygaga | Instagram
Oh dear! Lady Gaga's dog Koji is not impressed at all. Have another go and try to get a better score!

teddysphotos | Instagram
Good effort! Ed Sheeran and his little mate applaud your score. He's in the love with the shape of mew, don't you know?

therock | instagram
Great effort! Even The Rock and his French bulldogs are impressed!

katyperry | Instagram
Paw-some! That deserves a tiny high five!