Which Baby Shark Character Are You?
Which Shark matches your personality? Take the test and find out!
Which Baby Shark Character Are You?

Let's start with the basics. What’s your favourite colour?

If someone gave you a present you didn’t like, what would you do?

Pick a hobby

If you could only eat one snack for the rest of your life, what would it be?

You’re in the ocean when you see a giant squid. What do you do?

Which mythical creature would you like to be?

Now pick your favourite fruit

You're swimming in the ocean when you discover a treasure chest full of gold. What do you do?

What’s your favourite subject at school?

Finally, pick your super power!

Baby Shark
You’re Baby Shark. Super cute and the classic of all sharks. You’re always the first to the party and to bring all the fun. Yes, you can be sensitive and that’s why all your friends like you.

Daddy Shark
You’re Daddy Shark. The biggest shark in town with the biggest personality to match. You’re a great friend others can rely on. You never panic. Well, most of the time you don’t. Ok, sometimes you do panic, but not that often. Honest!

Mommy Shark
You’re Mommy Shark. The most loveable shark around, the best shark to share a secret with and chill out with on the weekends. You’re the shark equivalent of a fluffy warm jumper on a rainy day.

Grandma Shark
You’re Grandma Shark. You are one very wise shark. If you don’t know it, it’s not worth knowing. Top of the class but with tons of sass. This shark is not to be overlooked - it’s actually the most admired shark in the family.

Grandpa Shark
You’re Grandpa Shark. The joker of the shark family. Sometimes you can be forgetful but you make up for that in laughs. People are always smiling when they're around you.