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Naruto Seasons Quiz

How nimble is YOUR Naruto knowledge? Think you've got what it takes? Take this awesome Naruto seasons quiz to find out!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024
Naruto | Pierrot | Disney XD / Toonami

What happens in Naruto Season 1? 

Naruto | Pierrot | Disney XD / Toonami

Which of the following is NOT the name of an episode in Naruto Season 1? 

Naruto | Pierrot | Disney XD / Toonami

What happens in Naruto Season 2?

Naruto | Pierrot | Disney XD / Toonami

Which of the following is NOT the name of an episode in Naruto Season 2?

Naruto | Pierrot | Disney XD / Toonami

What happens in Naruto Season 3?

Naruto | Pierrot | Disney XD / Toonami

Which of the following is NOT the name of an episode in Naruto Season 3?

Naruto | Pierrot | Disney XD / Toonami

What happens in Naruto Season 4? 

Naruto | Pierrot | Disney XD / Toonami

Which of the following is NOT the name of an episode in Naruto Season 4?

Naruto | Pierrot | Disney XD / Toonami

What happens in Naruto Season 5?

Naruto | Pierrot | Disney XD / Toonami

Which of the following is NOT the name of an episode in Naruto Season 5? 

Naruto | Pierrot | Disney XD / Toonami

Oh dear! It seems your Naruto knowledge needs improving! Never mind - why not try another quiz?

Naruto | Pierrot | Disney XD / Toonami

Not so hot! While by no means the worst result in the village, you could do a little better! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

Naruto | Pierrot | Disney XD / Toonami

Pretty good! While not a totally PERFECT score, you certainly have the Naruto knowledge! Good job! 

Naruto | Pierrot | Disney XD / Toonami

Amazing! You got a PERFECT score! It's official, no-one can nix your ninja Naruto knowledge. A very impressive result, well done!