Harry Potter Magical History and Ancient Magic Quiz!
This truly tricky trivia quiz will put your knowledge of wizarding history to the ultimate test!
Think you know the most about the wizarding world? Then it's time for a real challenge! This quiz will test your knowledge of the history of magic in the Potterverse - are you like Hermione, who memorised A History of Magic? Or have you been sleeping in Professor Binns' class? Take the quiz and see! And don't forget to try our other Potter trivia quizzes when you're done - see how much you know about potions, or about Halloween in the wizarding world!

Who teaches History of Magic at Hogwarts?

Who wrote A History of Magic?

Who made the Chamber of Secrets?

What was Godric Gryffindor’s most famous possession?

Who is the ghost of Slytherin house?

What was Uric’s nickname?

Godric’s Hollow is home to the creation of which magical artefact?

How many times did Wendelin the Weird get burned at the stake?

What kind of rebellion happened in 1612?

In which year was the International Statute of Secrecy signed?

Uh oh! Looks like your wizarding history knowledge needs a bit of a polish! It's okay, this was a very hard quiz - and you can always have another go later!

Not bad at all! You were definitely paying attention to the series - and next time, you're sure to get a higher score!

All right! This is a pretty good score - you clearly know a lot about the Potterverse, more than most people in fact! Well done! Next time you're sure to get a perfect 10 out of 10!

A perfect ten - absolutely amazing! No one knows more about Potter history than you! Hermione would be proud!