The Essential Harry Potter Emoji Quiz!
Could YOU decipher the Harry Potter movies and characters from the emoji clues? Then put your spell-tacular skills to the test with this epic quiz!
Emoji enthusiast and positively Potter potty? If you legit knows your Harry P - then prepare yourself for an emoji encounter of magically mythical proportions. For more quizzes check out our Guess The Song Emoji Quiz, or to push your Potter proficiency to the ultimate limit - try our hard Harry Potter Quiz!

Let's go! Which film is this?

Which character is this?

What is this?

Which character is this?

Which film is this?

Which character is this?

Which film is this?

Which character is this?

Which film is this?

Which character is this?

Which film is this?

Which character is this?

Which film is this?

What is this?

Which character is this?

What is this?

Who is this?

Which character is this?

Which film is this?

And finally, time for a really tricky one... who is this? Say what you see!

Oh dear! It seems you may need to concentrate a little harder if you're to decipher these clues! Never mind, why not have another go and improve your score?

Not so hot! While not a total disaster, you may need to concentrate a little harder if you're to ace this quiz! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

Pretty good! While not an absolutely perfect victory, you certainly know your Harry Potter! A very impressive result, great job!

Amazing! You got a PERFECT score... you ACED your NEWTS! There's no doubt about it, you most certainly know your Potter - when it comes to quizzes you're an absolute whizz-kid wizard. Great job, well done!