Which US Short Story Author Matches Your Writing Style?
Calling all hopeful writers! It's time to find out which famous American author matches your style!
If you love to write short stories, you probably also love to read them, so you might already be familiar with some of the best US short story writers of all time! But which author has influenced you the most? Are you dark, dramatic and Gothic, like Poe? Are you a philosopher like Le Guin? Or are you the king of the twist, like O. Henry? This quiz will match your style to a writer - and who knows, it might give you something new to read! We've got more literary quizzes waiting for you when you're done, too - find out what kind of writer you are, or see how well you know the great American poets!

What is your favourite genre to read?

Where do you like to write?

Choose an animal!

Choose a name for your main character!

What do you most like to write (apart from short stories)?

What is your best subject in school?

Choose a classic American story!

Now, choose a villain from American cinema!

What do you like to write with?

What is your favourite story setting?

Edgar Allan Poe!
You're a little spooky, and you love the gothic and mysterious - so, an Edgar Allan Poe story is closest to your own writing style! You love to explore the dark and macabre in your writing, and you're GREAT at describing atmosphere. One day you'll be a bestselling horror novelist!

Ursula K. Le Guin!
When it comes to writing, you're all about the ideas. You probably like writing fantasy and sci-fi best, but you also like your stories to have relatable characters and lessons about the real world in them. You're a natural philosopher, so you think deeply and write stories that really say something.

O. Henry!
Your favourite part of writing a story is coming up with a twist - what's the best way to truly shock your audience? O. Henry (real name William Sydney Porter) was the master of this. His most famous stories have thought-provoking and funny twists to them, and that's what you like to add to yours! There's an annual prize for short story writing called the O. Henry Award - perhaps one day it will be yours!

F. Scott Fitzgerald!
Your real strength as a writer is that you're great at capturing what makes people interesting. You're very observant - even when you're at the supermarket, you're getting ideas for stories and characters! Your short stories are quite down to earth, but that doesn't make them any less interesting. In fact, with your writing style, a story about a rainy lunchtime in January is a masterpiece!