Stranger Things: True or False Quiz!
Welcome to Hawkins! In this tricky true-or-false quiz you'll have to sort the truth from the fiction. Can you do it - or will you be trapped in the Upside Down?
This trivia quiz will turn you Upside Down! Luckily there's a path to get out - you just need to pick the true answer, and ignore the false one! Can you face the challenge? It's time to find out!
Need more Stranger Things? We can help! Test your knowledge of season 1, see how well you know Eleven, or find out which female character you are!

Stranger Things takes place in the 1980s!

It's set in a town called Hawkins!

The main character, Eleven, can read minds!

Jim Hopper is the town's postman!

Max is a great skateboarder!

In Season 3 Steve gets a job at the mall's pet store!

Will's favourite song is "Guns of Brixton"!

Barb returned in Season 4!

Eddie runs a Dungeons and Dragons club!

Season 5 will be the last season of the show!

Oh no - with this score, you're still stuck in the Upside Down! Don't worry, you can always have another go and escape later!

Your Stranger Things know-how isn't bad at all! We bet you could do better, though - why not try again and see?

Very good! Your Stranger Things knowledge is up there with the best! Well done! But we bet you can get a perfect score - why not try again and see?

A perfect score - well done! Nothing gets past you, not even an army of demodogs!