The Ultimate Transformers Quiz!
Absolute Autobot or Decepticon dud? How well do you know YOUR Transformers trivia? Test your skills with this rousing robo-quiz!
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Who is the leader of the Autobots?
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen | Allspark Pictures | Di Bonaventura Pictures | Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Tom DeSanto, Don Murphy, | Travis Knight
What year was Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen released?
Transformers: Prime | Digitalscape K/O | Paper Products | Darby Pop Productions | Hasbro Studios
Megatron is a former gladiator. True or false?
Transformers | Hasbro | DreamWorks Pictures | Paramount Pictures | Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Tom DeSanto | Michael Bay
Which actor plays Sam Witwicky?
Transformers | Hasbro | DreamWorks Pictures | Paramount Pictures | Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Tom DeSanto | Michael Bay
Who is the leader of the Decepticons?
Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy | Boulder Media Limited | Allspark Animation
Which of Soundwave's cassettes transformed into a panther?
Bumblebee | Allspark Pictures | Di Bonaventura Pictures | Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Tom DeSanto, Don Murphy, | Travis Knight
What colour is Ratchet in G1?
Transformers: Prime | Digitalscape K/O | Paper Products | Darby Pop Productions | Hasbro Studios
Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker transform into what in vehicle mode?
Bumblebee | Allspark Pictures | Di Bonaventura Pictures | Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Tom DeSanto, Don Murphy, | Travis Knight
Megatron was in the Bumblebee movie. True or false?
Transformers: Prime | Digitalscape K/O | Paper Products | Darby Pop Productions | Hasbro Studios
What was the name of the Transformers TV series that ran from 2010 to 2013?
Transformers: Prime | Digitalscape K/O | Paper Products | Darby Pop Productions | Hasbro Studios
Dino was not one of the original Dino-bots - true or false?
Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy | Boulder Media Limited | Allspark Animation
Complete the name of this cute animated Transformers spin-off series - 'Transformers: Rescue Bots...'
Transformers | Hasbro | DreamWorks Pictures | Paramount Pictures | Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Tom DeSanto | Michael Bay
What does Optimus Prime transform into?
Transformers | Hasbro | DreamWorks Pictures | Paramount Pictures | Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Tom DeSanto | Michael Bay
Amazing! You really know your Transformers trivia... a PERFECT score! Current Autobot level - EXPERT. Outstanding result, well done!
Transformers | Hasbro | DreamWorks Pictures | Paramount Pictures | Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Tom DeSanto | Michael Bay
Pretty good! While not a PERFECT result, you certainly know your Transformers factoids... a very respectable result. Good job!
Transformers | Hasbro | DreamWorks Pictures | Paramount Pictures | Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Tom DeSanto | Michael Bay
Not so hot! While not the worst score in the world, you could do better! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?
Transformers | Hasbro | DreamWorks Pictures | Paramount Pictures | Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Tom DeSanto | Michael Bay
Oh dear! It seems you may need to watch a few more Transformers movies... Never mind! Why not retake the quiz and improve your score?