What’s Your Role in the Pokémon World?
The world of Pokémon is huge, so if you were there - what would your role be?
We can’t all be gym leaders, otherwise there wouldn’t be any novices or people to care for the creatures in the Poke Centre! So if you’ve ever wondered what kind of thing you’d be up to in the Pokémon world, then this is the quiz for you! Let’s jump on in and see what happens, you never know, maybe you will be a gym leader after all!

What is your favourite subject at school?

What do you like to eat for breakfast?
What is your type?

What is success for you?

Where would you rather go on holiday?

You’re lost at sea, what do you do?

Pidgey has pooed on your favourite hat, what do you do?

What is your favourite colour?

Raticate has chewed through your phone charger, how do you contact your friends?

You find a lost Totodile, what do you do?

Gym Leader!
Pow! What a result! You’ve got the heart and spirit of a real Pokémon master! You know that the abilities of Pokémon come out best when they’re in a caring environment and because that’s how you live your life in the real world, that’s why you’ve gotten this result! Epic stuff! But heck, if you’d rather not be a gym trainer - why not have another go at this quiz and see if you can get a different result!?

Poke Centre Doctor!
The wellbeing of the Pokémon always comes first! The same is true for human and non-human animals in the real world! You’re the kind of person that looks after everyone around them, so it’s only natural that if you were living in the Poke-verse, this is the role for you! So get out there and start tending to those injured Pokémon - nobody else will if you don’t!

Pokémon Scientist!
Amazing! You’ve got the mind of a great Pokémon scientist! The search for knowledge is an incredibly important part of the world of Pokémon - with such famous geniuses like Prof Oak changing the world forever! Just like those great Pokémon scientists, you’re always asking the important questions and are never satisfied with a simple answer! The world needs people like you, so keep on being curious!

Sometimes it’s not always easy to catch them all - sometimes you just need to steal some! So according to your results, it looks like you’re the kind of person that might not always be on the right side of the Pokémon Police! But as we all know, Team Rocket are actually trying to steal Pokémon so that they can set them free! So are they actually the good guys?