Food Would You Rather Questions
Would you rather only eat square or circular food?
Answer A or B in the questions below then click the RESULTS at the bottom of the page to find out out your choices compare to other people!

Would you rather...
- A) Never eat chocolate cake again 0.4 %
- B) Have to eat the whole cake every time you had any 0.6 %

Would you rather...
- A) Only eat square shaped food 0.2 %
- B) Only eat circle shaped food 0.8 %

Would you rather..
- A) Get a grape stuck in your nose 0.1 %
- B) Get a bit of popcorn stuck in your teeth 0.9 %

Would you rather...
- A) Eat something mouldy 0.1 %
- B) Eat something not yet ripe 0.9 %

Would you rather...
- A) Never use cutlery again 0.4 %
- B) Use cutlery for EVERYTHING, including bananas 0.6 %

Would you rather...
- A) Only eat Chinese food for the rest of your life 0.3 %
- B) Only eat Italian food for the rest of your life 0.7 %

Would you rather...
- A) Eat through your nose 0.5 %
- B) Eat through your ears 0.5 %

Would you rather...
- A) Eat astronaut food for the rest of your life 0.4 %
- B) Get all your food energy from the sun like a plant 0.6 %

Would you rather...
- A) Have fingertips that tasted like crisps 0.3 %
- B) Have fingertips that tasted like chocolate 0.7 %

Would you rather...
- A) Only eat stuff that can be cooked in a microwave 0.6 %
- B) Only eat stuff that doesn't need cooking 0.4 %
Find Out How Your Choices Compare Against Other People Here!

Did You Mostly Answer A or B?

You answered mostly A! That is classic you!
Yikes. This is awkward

Mostly B! Makes sense.
Makes sense. Eep.