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The Ultimate Sweet Quiz

The Ultimate Sweet Quiz!

How much do you know about the world of delicious confectionery? Take this sweet quiz and find out!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024
1/10 Background of differently coloured M&Ms

What does M&M stand for?


Who invented candy floss?

3/10 A row of Snickers bars

What were Snickers previously known as in the UK?


What were Snickers named after, then?

5/10 Vintage PEZ dispensers

The word PEZ comes from which German word?

6/10 Lots of milk chocolate

How many pounds of chocolate is eaten in the USA every year?

7/10 A woman holding a lollipop

The lollipop was invented in 1908 by George Wilson. What inspired its name?


Why is white chocolate not technically chocolate?

9/10 A man enjoying a big bar of chocolate

Milk chocolate was invented in which country?

10/10 Melting chocolate

At what temperature does chocolate melt?

Oh no!

Oh no! Better luck next time!

Good try

Good try! Why not have another go? You could get an even sweeter score!

Great work

Great work! That's an impressive knowledge of sweet-based facts!


Sweet! You're a treat-based genius!

Vampire Chair

Trick or Treat?

Choose wisely...