Challenging Roblox: Bid Battles Quiz!
Open up your storage locker and get ready to bid - it's time to see how much you know about Roblox: Bid Battles!
Get ready to prove your Bid Battles knowledge with this awesome quiz! See if you know everything about the fun bidding game - will you win the lot, or totally lose out? Don't forget to try our other Roblox quizze - try your general Roblox knowledge with this true or false quiz, or see how well you know Roblox: Street Soccer!

Where can you play the game?

What do you do in the game?

Which reality show is the game based on?

True or false: the game is multiplayer?

What should you do with your new items?

How much net worth do you need to have to unlock trading?

What can you trade for items?

How do you get the Angry Customer award?

Who makes the game?

Where can you use plane tickets?

Oh no - looks like you've got lots to learn about Roblox: Bid Battles! Don't worry, you can always have another go - and it's a good excuse to play the game again!

Not bad at all - you know a few things about the game! Well done! But can you get a higher score? Why not come back later and see?

Wow, a great score - well done! You're a bit of an expert on the game, and now you have the score to prove it! Nextg time you're sure to get full marks!

A perfect score - well done! No one else on earth knows more about Roblox: Bid Battles than you!!!