Can You Score In This Roblox: Realistic Street Soccer Quiz?
Fans of Roblox: Realistic Street Soccer won't want to miss this quiz! See if you can score the winning goal!
If you love to play footie but it's a rainy day outside, Roblox has a solution - Realistic Street Soccer! In this game you can join your friends, score goals, and win some awesome prizes! See how well you know it with this quiz - will you hit the back of the net, or wil it be an own goal? We've got more Roblox quizzes for you, too - see how well you know Wonka's Story, or Pilfering Pirates!

Where can you play the game?

How many players are on each team?

Who made the game?

True or false - the game saves your progress!

Which key lets you head the ball?

What does the Q key let you do?

How do you sprint?

What can you win when you win matches?

What can you get from codes?

How do you redeem codes?

Oops - looks like you've got a lot to learn about Realistic Street Soccer! Don't worry, it's a good excuse to play some more before you have another go!

Not bad at all - you know a few things about Realistic Street Soccer! Well done! We know you can do better though - why not have another go and see?

Very good! You know a lot about Realistic Street Soccer - well done! But can you get a perfect score? Why not come back later and see?

Wow, a perfect score - well done! No one knows more than you about Realistic Street Soccer, probably not even the developers!