Top5Gaming: Trivia Quiz - Are You Elite?!
Top5Gaming is one of the biggest stars in the world of Fortnite vlogging, but how well do you know them?
With so many videos and so many hilarious scrapes there is a lot to get through when it comes to Top5Gaming’s channel. They’ve been around since the very start and know the game inside out and upside down, so if you think you’ve got knowledge like that, step right up and let’s give it a go!

Where is Top5 from?

What game does he mostly play?

Top5 knows a lot about the storyline of Fortnite, but in the future of Fortnite what Marvel superhero sets up his base?

Top5 has been playing for a long time, but when did season 1 end?

Does Top5 prefer the old storm animations or the new ones?

What is the colour of Top5’s brand?

Top 5 loves busting and confirming Fortnite myths - but can you use a shield in a car?

What is Top5’s real name?

Top5 is a big platform, which of these is a REAL channel?

How does Top5 wear his hat?

Oh no! Disaster, it looks like you never even got to the Battle Bus on time and it left you in the lobby - what a disaster. But don’t worry, there are plenty of other things out there that you can get good at! How about sewing, or playing an instrument? Of course, you can always have another try and see if you can score higher!

Alright! Not too bad! You clearly know Top5Gaming pretty well, although if you pass in the corridor you might just play it cool and nod your head, you’re maybe not on first name terms with him just yet! But well done, you’ve got a good idea about him! So well done! Why not have another go and see if you can score higher?!

Nice! There’s not much that can slip past you when it comes to Top5Gaming! You know his videos pretty much inside out, it’s almost like you ‘ve been following him for a really long time, but not only that, you’ve managed to remember it all! Epic stuff! But do you think that you can beat this quiz at 100% and make it right to the end of the Battle Royale? Go on, let’s have another try and see if you can ace it!

Blam! There it is! Incredible work! You’ve scored full marks on this quiz and shown that there really IS an upper limit to what you can know about Top5 and his classic style of videos! Well done! Enjoy the glory, tell your friends, you’ve made it to the big leagues and nobody can take that away! Nice one!