What Type of Fortnite Teammate Are You?
It's time to find out what sort of Fortnite teammate you'd be - answer these personality quiz questions and see if you're more a leader, a follower or a renegade!
What sort of teammate are you? Do you play by the rules, or would you rather be the leader? It's time to find out with this Fortnite quiz! Answer some questions and see what kind of teammate you make in this game! And if you liked this, we've got loads more Fortnite quizzes here! How about this Lego Mode quiz? Or maybe you'd prefer this Fortnite character quiz? And we think you'll love this Fortnite Festival Mode quiz!

You've brought a pizza into school. What do you do with it?

You're assigned a group project at work; where can we find you?

Do you love being in a team

Choose a Mario character

Pick a team sport

You and your friends are locked in an escape room - what are you doing?

A teammate gets injured - what are your options?

Choose a member of the Fellowship!

Pick a solo hobby

If someone's upset, what do you say?

You work best in a duo! You love working with your best friend and figuring out problems together - there's no leader, you're equals!

The Leader!
You LOVE being in charge, and that's where we find you - telling other people what to do! But that's not a bad thing - you know exactly what your team needs!

The Renegade
Who knows what you're doing?! You're a total renegade; unpredictable, chaotic and probably off on a side quest somewhere!

Backseat Teammate!
You don't want to be in charge, but you've got a lot of ideas about what your team should do! Just make sure you actually help, not just suggest!