Which Bug-Type Pokémon Represents Your Work Ethic?
See which bug-type Pokemon suits your unique work ethic with this super-fun personality quiz!
“Work ethic” is how you approach your work – school, sports, hobbies, or even life in general! We bet you didn’t know that your work ethic also matches certain types of Pokemon – and if you want to find out yours, you just need to take the quiz! And don’t forget to try our other Pokemon quizzes when you’re done! Find out which Pokemon team you are, or which gym leader you are!

Which insect is your favourite?

What's your favourite generation of Pokemon?

What's your favourite colour?

What is your dream job?

Choose a fire-type Pokemon!

Which element do you most identify with?

Pick another game series!

Which beverage is the tastiest?

What's your favourite way to learn new information?

Choose a superhero!

You're calm, collected and great at what you do – just like Caterpie! You're quite introverted so you work best on your own, and you will grind away at a task until it's done, no matter how long it takes!

You're upbeat and confident, which is why you're just like Butterfree! You like to take instructions from a leader, and you can sometimes be a little shy, so working solo works best for you!

You're confident, self-assured, and you always get the job done – which is why you're like Beedrill! In fact you're so self-assured some people might call you a little aggressive – but you always get good results from your work, and that's the main thing!

You're a real team player, just like Combee! You work best as part of a team, and you love to socialise as you work! You know your particular skillset very well, and you're great at sticking to your own tasks.