Around Beanotown in 80 Days: The Finish Line!
Phil E.S. Dogg's visit to Beanotown is coming to an end. Can you guide get him to the beach before it closes?
After a long summer holiday in Beanotown, Phil E.S. Dogg must say goodbye as he heads back home with a backpack full of souvenirs and a head full of fun memories. For his final day, he's chosen a visit to the beach with Gnasher so he can have a swim and enjoy the sunshine before packing his bags. Can you help guide him through Beanotown and make sure he arrives before the gates close?

You're off to the beach. What's in your bag?

How do you plan on getting there?

You decide to visit the river first just before you head to the beach. What will you do there?

On your way to the bus, Gnasher suggests a short cut. Is it worth it?

The cinema is offering a 2-for-1 ticket deal. Surely you can watch a movie before heading to the beach?

Gnasher reckons you don't need the bus if you go down this street. Do you follow?

You spot tucking into a Beanotown Burger. Fancy a quick snack?

The beach is in the distance. What do you decide to do next?

You're approaching the entrance to the beach. Have you got everything you need?

You're at the beach. Are you ready for some fun!

It's closed!
Whoops! You spent too much time checking out your favourite bits of Beanotown and forgot the time. The beach closed ages ago! Maybe you could come back soon and remember to get to there in plenty of time?

Just made it!
Even though you know Beanotown like the back of your paw, you couldn't help but looking at all your favourite things one more time before you head home. You made to the beach in time for a swim and some relaxing on the beach!

Loads of time!
You've been in Beanotown for ages so you've got a good idea about where you're going. No getting lost and racing against the clock like in week 1, is there? Go and enjoy yourself at the beach – you deserve it!

First ones there!
You've been in Beanotown now for so long, you know the streets and sights like the back of your paw. And because you know where you're going, you got to the beach just as it was opening and it's now time for some fun and relaxation!