Ultimate Conkers Quiz!
Are you bonkers for conkers? Take the quiz and test your trivia!
Are you ready?

Conkers are the seeds of which tree?

The first recorded game of conkers took place in which year?

Conker is thought to come from which French word, meaning 'hit'?

Which liquid can help make a conker tougher?

Before conkers arrived in Britain, what was the game played with?

Which creepy crawly is said to hate conkers?

The World Conker Championships began in Northamptonshire, but in which year?

Approximately how many horse chestnut trees are in Britain?

What are conkers called in the USA?

What is a conker with a flat side sometimes called?

Oh dear! Better luck next autumn!

Good try, but why not have another go?

Great work! You must spent a lot of time hanging around under horse chestnut trees!

Awesome! You're a conker expert!