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The Ultimate Trampoline Quiz

Test your trampoline knowledge in this great quiz

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

The Ultimate Trampoline Quiz

1/8 Man on trampoline

True or false; the highest recorded trampoline jump was 22 feet high!

2/8 Girl on trampoline

Who invented the trampoline?

3/8 Woman on trampoline

What was the original purpose of the trampoline?

4/8 Trampoline

Which famous businessman has a trampoline room in his house?

5/8 People on trampolines

Flip Out is the biggest trampoline centre in the UK, and it's based in Glasgow. But how big is its trampoline area?


Who uses trampolines in their training?

7/8 Child on trampoline

What is 'Double-bouncing'?

8/8 Girl on trampoline

Where was the 2019 Trampoline Gymnastics World Championships held?

Awesome result

Woah! You're a trampoline champion! You're probably on a trampoline right now! This cool dog is very impressed

Well done, you clearly love trampolining. Have this pizza as a reward

Try again result

Well, you might have been on a trampoline once but you're not an expert. Try again! 

Oh no! You don't know much about trampolines at all! Don't get back on one until you've redone this quiz!