Complete Taylor McKessie's HSM Lines Quiz!
Can you identify all these Taylor quotes? Check out this High School Musical quote quiz and see how many lines from everyone's favourite character you can you can remember!
How many of Taylor McKessie's lines from the awesome High School Musical film? Find out now by taking this awesome quiz! We'll give you some quotes and you have to tell us if they're correct! Good luck!

Finish this quote

High School Musical | Salty Pictures, First Street Films | Buena Vista Television | Don Schain | Kenny Ortega
Who does Taylor call 'lunkheads'?

Finish this quote

High School Musical | Salty Pictures, First Street Films | Buena Vista Television | Don Schain | Kenny Ortega
Complete this quote: 'That girls got more moves than..'?

Complete this quote

High School Musical | Salty Pictures, First Street Films | Buena Vista Television | Don Schain | Kenny Ortega
What does Taylor call Troy?

Complete this quote

High School Musical | Salty Pictures, First Street Films | Buena Vista Television | Don Schain | Kenny Ortega
Complete this quote : 'Oh honey, if that's what you call an invitation, you'll be...'?

Complete this quote

High School Musical | Salty Pictures, First Street Films | Buena Vista Television | Don Schain | Kenny Ortega
What does Taylor claim she's doing when she says 'Ohmygosh, isn't Troy Bolton just the hottie superbomb?'

High School Musical | Salty Pictures, First Street Films | Buena Vista Television | Don Schain | Kenny Ortega
Noooo! Looks like you can't remember anything Taylor said in High School Musical! Never mind, that's just an awesome excuse to watch it again!

High School Musical | Salty Pictures, First Street Films | Buena Vista Television | Don Schain | Kenny Ortega
You got a couple right, but maybe you're mixing up Taylor and Sharpay? Try again, we know you can score higher!

High School Musical | Salty Pictures, First Street Films | Buena Vista Television | Don Schain | Kenny Ortega
Nice work! You're obviously a big Taylor fan, and you remember loads about her from High School Musical! But can you get full marks next time?

High School Musical | Salty Pictures, First Street Films | Buena Vista Television | Don Schain | Kenny Ortega
Wow! You know everything Taylor ever said, and must be her ultimate fan because you got full marks! Incredible! Nice job!