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Hard Rocket League Quiz

Are you the Rocket League GOAT? Why not test your skills here!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Rocket League is one of the most competitive games out there, and this quiz is no different! So if you think you’ve got the top flight skills to get full marks on this quiz then step right up! The glory of Rocket League quizzing awaits! Let’s see how well you can do!


Which year was Rocket League released?


What is the famous player Musty’s trick?


How long is a match in the game?


What was the game mode ‘Snow Day’ inspired by?


What was the full name of the original game?


What is the maximum number of players in a match?


What sport was the Hoops game mode based on?


What was the name of the first ever DLC?


What game was Rocket Racing released on?


What year did player to player trading end?

Oh no! It looks like there’s something missing from your playstyle! Are you sure you’ve taken the right quiz? This quiz is about Rocket League, y’know the game?! Why not have another try at the quiz and see if you can score better another time around?! Remember, this isn’t a quiz about the plant!

Alright! Now we’re getting somewhere! You’ve got a really solid knowledge when it comes to Rocket League, and this is a pretty hard quiz after all. But if you think you can do better, it’s probably worth you having another go - after all, perfection takes practice, so let’s get back into it and see how you do!

Pow! There it is! Top corner, what a result! There's not much that you don’t know about the incredible world of Rocket League! Give yourself a pat on the back, you’re one of the few people that know the game so well! But if you think you’ve something special to show off in the R-League why not have another go? We’ll be here waiting with your trophy!

Truly Epic! You’ve smashed it and beaten this quiz with full marks! They said it couldn’t be done! There aren’t many people out there with skills like yours so soak up the glory and enjoy your victory! But what’s next? Where do you go from the top? Why not have a look at some of the other quizzes we’ve got on the site?