Mighty McClures Trivia Quiz
Have you got a mighty memory or a rubbish recollection - let's find out!
There is a lot going on in the Mighty McClure household - but do you think you’re an expert on this online family? They share nearly everything so the information is all out there for you, but have you stored it away and have you got the brain for memorising their antics!? Why not take this quiz and see if you can show your skills?

Where are the Might McClures from?

What is special about Ava and Alexis?

Where did Ava and Alexis make their TV debut?

Why doesn’t Jersey like having his hair done?

What huge stuffed animal comes alive?

What colour are Justin’s eyes?

What is mum Ami’s real name?

If you answered that Ava And Alexis are identical twins for question 2, well done! But which is older?

And which of them is taller?

Which platform are they biggest on?

Oh dear! Okay, this isn’t a great result, it looks like you’ve missed the boat on this quiz, but that’s alright! You’ve clearly been saving space in your brain for other things, like remembering how to tie your shoelaces or name the different families of badger? Right? But look, if you want to score higher, why not have another try at the quiz, you never know what’ll happen!

Nice! Now we’re getting somewhere, you’ve done alright on this quiz! That’s not to say you couldn’t score higher, but this is a good start! You’ve clearly seen a few of the Mighty McClures’ videos, but maybe it’s sensible to watch some more if you want to score higher! Just a thought! So what’s next? Are you going to try again, or are you going to check out some of the other quizzes on the site? It’s up to you!

Blam! Great work! You’ve scored really well on this quiz, there really isn’t much you don’t know about the McClures and it shows! You’re ready for the big leagues now, so whenever the Mighty McClures come up in conversation, don’t be afraid to through your hat into the ring! But if you think you can score higher, why not have one last go at this quiz, and maybe, just maybe you’ll get full marks!

Boom! There you are! Wow! What a result, you’ve scored full marks on this quiz and breezed past the genius finish line like the quiz legend you are! There isn’t anything you don’t know about the Might McClures and it shows! But what’s next? Now that you’re sitting at the top of the leaderboard there are tonnes of options for you! Don’t forget to soak up the glory!