The Ultimate Naomi Girma Quiz
Have you been paying attention to this future football superstar? Take this quiz to find out how much you know about Naomi Girma!
She's an up and coming star of the US National football team, and has a big footballing career ahead of her! But how much do you know about this talented soccer star? Take this sporty trivia quiz to find out! And don't wait around, this is your last chance to take this quiz before she REALLY makes it big!
Ready? Let's see how much you know!

What position does Naomi play in?

What US state does Naomi come from?

Her dad is a refugee from.... where?

What did she study at University?

Anything else special about her studies?

What team does she play for in the US?

What do her friends and family call her?

Where did Naomi start playing football?

What was her first international appearance for the US team?

Which of these awards has she won?

Bah! Too bad! This is awkward. Naomi isn't too pleased with this score - do you fancy having another go and seeing if you can do a little better? No worries if not - we have lots more football quizzes to try!

Ok! Not bad! Not amazing.... but definitely not bad! You clearly know a lot about football and Naomi Girma! Unfortunately you din't quite get a high score - but that's fine! Have another go if you want to score higher - or just try another quiz!

Wahoo! Great job! You know loads aboit Naomi Girma! You must be a big fan of hers... You did miss out on one or two right answers, but never mind. Do you feel like seeing if you can beat this score on a different football quiz? We have plenty more!

Amazing! You're Naomi Girma's biggest fan! And you've got the perfect score to prove it! 10/10! Very nicely done! This is a great result - but can you beat it on a different footballquiz? We're sure you can, and we have lots more for you to try!