How Much Do You Know About Shapes? Ultimate Quiz
Test your geometry skills with this shapely maths quiz!

What do you call the part of maths that deals with shapes?

How many sides does a hexagon have?

Which of these is NOT a real shape?

And what do you call a triangle that has all 3 sides the same length?

What do you call a triangle that has 2 sides the same length?

And what do you call a triangle doesn't have any sides the same length?

And what do you call a triangle that has 4 sides the same length?

What's the proper name for the shape of a baked bean can?

This diamond / kite sort of shape has 4 sides, all of the same length. What's it called?

What shape is planet Earth? The proper maths name!

What shape has a cone got at it's base?

How many sides has an octogon got? Please accept this baby octopus as a hint.

What do you call a 4-sided shape with 4 right angles that ISN'T a square?

EXTRA TRICKY BONUS QUESTION! How many sides does a dodecahedron have?

Well. This is awkward. Erm...try another quiz?

Nice try-angle (geddit?)! You can do better though - have another go?

Not bad! You know those shapes!

These shapes love you! Well done! You're a geometry expert!