Tekkerz Kid Quiz!
How much do you know about this football loving YouTuber? Take the quiz and find out now!
Good luck!

Tekkerz Kid | YouTube
What is Tekkerz Kid's real name?

Which city is he from?

YouTube | Giphy
By June 2019, how many people have subscribed to his YouTube channel?

Which football academy does he currently play for?

European Space Agency - ESA | Giphy
If he's 10, what age would he be on Mars?

TekkerzKid | Twitter
What's the name of his dad Nathan's YouTube channel?

tekkerzkid | Instagram
At what age did Tekkerz Kid begin playing football?

tekkerzkid | Instagram
What's his big brother called?

tekkerzkid | Instagram
How old was Tekkerz Kid when he first uploaded a video to YouTube?

tekkerzkid | YouTube
What is the most popular video on his YouTube channel?

Oh dear! Did you wear your quiz boots on the wrong feet?

tekkerzkid | Instagram
Good try! Some tricky questions there, but you did pretty well!

tekkerzkid | Instagram
Great work! Why not have another go and see if you can get a perfect score?

Amazing! You're the winner of the Tekkerz Kid cup, if there was such a thing!