What Type of E Girl Are You?
Softie, Show-Off or Goth? Take this quiz to find out what kind of E Girl best fits your personality!
1/10 Pick a colour:

What music would you rather listen to RIGHT NOW?

What are your thoughts on makeup?

What's your favourite time of year?

Pick an animal:

How would you describe yourself?

Pick a Fortnite dance:

What are you planning on doing this weekend?

What's more important to you?

What would you rather watch?

You're the Softie!
You're a quiet, gentle type of E-Girl - you don't show off too much and you're happy just being you, without loads of silly extras and accessories. Obviously you do still show off a bit sometimes, though...

You're the Show Off!
You're a loud and in-your-face kind of E-Girl! You've always got the coolest and newest clothes and gadgets, and you're not embarrassed to let everyone know. You're one of the most popular kids at school and are surrounded by friends - even though you might annoy them sometimes...

You're the Goth!
You're a moody, slightly weird E-Girl. Some people might laugh at your clothes and your taste in music, but you're the coolest one really. The only downside is how long it takes to apply all that makeup! Yeeesh!

You're the Barbie!
You're the bright pink, giggly, cutesy E-Girl - you know, the "girly" one (whatever that means). You have an amazing taste in clothes and probably have the best hair, too. Nice.