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Dolan twins

Which Dolan Twin? Quiz

Can YOU tell the difference between Ethan and Grayson? Test your knowledge and take the quiz!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024
Dolan Twins | YouTube

Which Dolan twin is this? 

Dolan Twins | YouTube

Which Dolan twin is this?

Dolan Twins | YouTube

Which Dolan twin is slightly taller than the other? 

Dolan Twins | YouTube

Which Dolan twin has a slight birthmark on his chin? 

Dolan Twins | YouTube

Which Dolan twin has the word ‘matters’ with a line drawn through it tattooed on his calf? 

Dolan Twins | YouTube

Which Dolan twin has the tattoo ‘famiglia per sempre’ (which means ‘family forever’)? 

Dolan Twins | YouTube

Which Dolan twin was badly injured in a motorcycle accident in 2018?

Dolan Twins | YouTube

Which Dolan twin is a Sagittarius?  

Dolan Twins | YouTube

Which Dolan twin says he does most of the camerawork for their videos? 

Dolan Twins | YouTube

Which twin is older than the other by 20 minutes? 

Dolan Twins | YouTube

Amazing! It seems you really are involved in the wonderful world that is the Dolan Twins. A PERFECT score. Well done!

Dolan Twins | YouTube

Pretty good! Not quite a PERFECT score, but you certainly know the difference between these two YouTube powerhouses. Excellent job, well done!

Dolan Twins | YouTube

Not so hot! While not a total Christmas turkey, It seems you may need to brush up on your Dolan skills! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

Dolan Twins | YouTube

Oh dear! It seems you may need to rewatch some Dolan YouTube vids pronto! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?