Which Magical Plant Would You Have in Your Garden?
Even Muggle gardens are magical places, but what would be in yours?!
Magic doesn't just come from wands, potions need ingredients, and to get a lot of them need to be grown in a garden! So let’s jump into this botanical quiz and find out which magical plant would fit perfectly in your garden! You never know, maybe one day you’ll be able to plant them in real life?!

What is your favourite meal?

Where would you rather go on holiday?

What excites you the most?

What would you never leave the house without?

You’re late for your Herbology class, what is your excuse?

You’re lost in a Devil’s Snare forest, what do you do?

Where would you look first for rare plants?

What is your favourite colour?

Your plants are dying, what do you think is wrong?

A centaur has stolen your prized cabbage, how do you get it back?

Whomping Willow!
Nice! This truly magical plant is a very special one! Not only is it beautiful, in its own strange way - it is also immensely powerful and would quite likely attack you if you got too close! You’re the kind of gardener that likes to live dangerously, normally this means planting Potatoes in winter, but for you it’s more about actual danger! Eeek!

Nice! This is a great result! As we’re sure you know, Gillyweed is a very useful plant! It has amazing properties that mean potions made from it allow the person that eats them to breathe underwater, as if they had gills! You’re the kind of person that plants their garden for practical purposes (not porpoises, even though they’re aquatic animals, they don’t have gills). So what are you waiting for? You better start preparing the soil for this amazing plant and get potting!

Awesome! This is a very special plant indeed and perfectly suited to you! You’re the kind of person that is always searching for the rarest of the rare, and this is just that! According to many wizards, it is extinct in the wild, which is even more reason for you to grow it! Fluxweed allows you to change your appearance, which can be very handy when it comes to defeating Dark Lords, or getting out of boring lessons…

Sichuan pepper!
Boom! Okay, so this might not be a magical plant in the Harry Potter sense of the word - but this amazing real-life plant has incredible properties. It looks a lot like a seed pod, but when you eat it, it makes your mouth almost completely numb! It’s as close to a magical plant as you’re likely to get, and it’s pretty easy to grow too! Why not look it up and see if it’ll suit your garden - but according to your results you’re the kind of person that likes new experiences!