Which ParaNorman Character Are You Most Like?
Paranorman is one of the coolest spooky films ever made - but which character are you most like?
It must be the season of the witch - so let’s jump into this quiz and find out for certain which one of the amazing characters from Paranorman you’ve got the most in common with! Will it be Norman? Or will you actually be one of the many ghastly ghouls that fill the film with spooks, scares, jumps and laughs? Let’s find out for sure!

What time do you wake up in the morning?

Which is spookier?

You’ve been accused of witchcraft - what do you do?

A sheep is lost in the woods - what do you do?

Where would you most like to go on holiday?

A spooky ghoul appears to you whilst you’re on a walk in the woods - what do you do?

You’ve torn a hole in your trousers - what do you do?

How do you like to do your hair?

What is your favourite food?

You’re lost at sea with only one oar - what do you do?

Norman Babcock!
Excellent! Now we’re talking! You’ve got the most in common with the star of the show, Norman! Now Nroman might not be quite normal - but isn’t that what makes life interesting!? First things first, what even is normal? And even if we knew what that was - would you really want to be it? What a great result, it’s time to own it - so get out there and express yourself however you want!

Neil Downe!
Awesome! You’re Neil, and Norman’s best friend! This is one of the best results you could get - Neil is the most supportive a friend can get! Neil doesn’t care about Norman’s powers and sees the person behind them! That’s probably why you've gotten this result - because you’re the kind of person that knows that being different is a beautiful thing!

Nice - okay this one is a bit complicated! Agatha was a bit mean to curse the seven in the first place - and looking back 300 years she could have handled it a bit differently - but she had pretty good reason! You’re a little bit like Agatha in the way sometimes you speak without thinking, but that’s fine - because like Agatha you’re also able to understand when you’ve made a mistake and move past it! Awesome!

Mr Prenderghast!
Nice! According to your results, you’ve got the most in common with Mr Prendeghast, Norman’s great-uncle! Now Mr Prenderghast has got the same powers as Norman, and has been using them to look after the town for a long time now - and a little bit like you - that’s the important thing! It’s one thing knowing you can help, and another actually making the effort to. So channel Mr Prenderghast - refuse to be ‘normal’ and help others where you can!