How Much Do You Know About Trees?
Will you go out on a limb to test your TREEmendous tree trivia?
Ready... Steady... Grow!

What leaves are these?

What nuts are these?

What tree is this Koala enjoying for dinner?

Giant Sequoias are also known as Giant...

What leaves are these?

Expert Level Question: What is this tree?

What's cool about how the Sycamore spreads it seeds?

This tree can be found on beaches and in swamps. It is recognisable by it's exposed roots. What is it called?

This African tree species is known as what?

The Sausage Tree is a real type of tree. True or false.

You're barking up the wrong tree!

Oakay! Play again to see if you can climb to the top!

Treemendous. You're a total tree amigo!