Could You Be Sabrina Carpenter?
Being a popstar isn't as easy as it looks! Take this quiz and find out if you could make it as Sabrina Carpenter!
Imagine - one day you wake up and mysteriously you are living Sabrina Carpenter's life! Would you be able to pull it off? Would anyone notice? This is very unlikely to happen in real life, so the only way to know for sure is to take this ridiculous pop quiz!
Ready, Sabrina? Let's go!

It's morning, and for some reason you are in Sabrina Carpenter's body. What do you do?

What are you having for breakfast?

Do you play any instruments?

Sabrina's mum calls you! What do you do?

What's your favourite album by Sabrina?

Pick a hobby:

If you were a pastry, you would be a... what?

You're in Sabrina's studio! What do you do?

Where would you rather go on tour?

Oh no! Your latest album has bombed! What do you do?

You ARE Sabrina Carpenter!
Never mind could you be Sabrina Carpenter - you just ARE her! What are doing taking quizzes about yourself - shouldn't you be writing new music or having fun on tour? You are so like Sabrina Carpenter we can't tell the two of you apart! Not sure you believe us? Try this quiz again and let's prove it!

You could easily be Sabrina Carpenter!
You're not Sabrina Carpenter - but in another world you could be! You and her have a lot in common, and if you magically found yourself living her life, we think you'd get on just fine. Not sure about this result? Have another go and see what you get next time!

You would struggle as Sabrina Carpenter!
You and Sabrina have a lot in common - but to be honest, if you suddenly woke up in Sabrina's life, we think you might struggle a bit. Nothing wrong with that! In fact, it's much better to be yourself! There's already a Sabrina Carpenter - the world needs one of you, not another one of her! Now you've done this quiz, try one of our other pop quizzes! we have loads!

You couldn't be Sabrina Carpenter!
And that's OK! We love Sabrina, but there is already one of her! You and her are quite different in lots of ways, and it's always a better idea to just be yourself! So you probably wouldn't be your best self if you somehow ended up living Sabrina's life - and that's the way it should be! Not sure about this? Take the quiz again and see what you get next time!